提示:《Current Zoology(动物学报(英文版)》投稿需先进行学术不端检测,查重需低于10%。需要按照投稿格式进行撰写,论文可以先进行排版,整理好再进行递交。
Information for Authors
CURRENT ZOOLOGY is a bimonthly, peer-reviewed internatio
nal journal that publishes reviews, research articles, and short communications in all aspects of Zoology, including significant new findings of fundamental and general interest. Submissions in the research fields of ecology, behavioral biology, biogeography, co
nservation biology, evolutio
nary biology and genomics are especially welcome. In particular, CURRENT ZOOLOGY seeks to publish research that explores the interface between zoological disciplines, and is truly integrative by illuminating the greater picture. CURRENT ZOOLOGY also welcomes forum papers.
Submitted manus
cripts are accepted with the understanding that they are subject to peer review and editorial revision. o
nce accepted, the copyright of the article, including the right to reproduce the article in all forms and media, shall be assigned exclusively to the CURRENT ZOOLOGY. In assigning copyright, authors may use their own material for other non-commercial uses or in other publications provided that the journal is acknowledged as the original place of publication.
Submission of manus
Papers must be clearly and co
ncisely written. Authors whose native language is not English should co
nsult a native English speaker prior to submission of the manus
cript. Manus
cripts must be submitted exclusively to CURRENT ZOOLOGY, that is, they have not been and nor will be submitted elsewher
e (either in whole or in part) while CURRENT ZOOLOGY is handling the manus
nly electro
nic submission is accepted. Manus
cripts should be prepared using Microsoft Word for Windows. Mac users should save their file in Word, and then attach it as a Windows Friendly docu
ment. The manus
cript, together with a cover letter, should be sent as email attachments to the Editorial Office via e-mail: zool@ioz.ac.cn. Authors may suggest at most five referees, but the editorial office retains the right to choose referees independently.
ntents of the cover letter should: 1) state formally that the material in the manus
cript has not been, nor will be, published elsewher
e; 2) co
nfirm that all authors of the work are aware of and agree on the submission, and 3) declare that the research complies with the guidelines or rules for animal care and use for scientific research in the authors’ country of origin.
Format of manus
Papers should not exceed 6000 words. Authors should organize the manus
cript in the following order: title page, abstract, text, acknowledgments, references, figure legends, tables and figures.
TITLE PAGE. The title page should include the title (co
ncise and informative), the full names of all authors and the authors' institutio
nal affiliations, and the name, address and e-mail address of the correspo
nding author, as well as a fax number, if available. The current address for any author or co-author should also be included if his/her institutio
nal affiliation has been changed since the manus
cript has been submitted. Authors should provide a short running title for the manus
cript and indicate the numbers of the words, figures and tables.
ABSTRACT should co
nsist of one paragraph up to 250 words that begins on a separate page. The abstract should describe briefly the purpose of and method used in the study, outline the major findings, and state the main conclusions. Both the common and scientific names of organisms should be provided at the first mention unless they are given in the title. Please list the key words on a separate line below the abstract. Do not use more than six key words.
TEXT. Use active voice whenever feasible and write in the first person. Spelling should be in American English, except in quotations and references. The text should be double spaced.
INTRODUCTION should describe the theoretical background and aims of the research. A hypothesis-driven INTRODUCTION is preferred.
MATERIALS AND METHODS should provide detailed information so that the work can be repeated by other researchers independently.
RESULTS should be concise, relevant to the questions or hypotheses raised in the INTRODUCTION and discussed in the DISCUSSION section. Give full details of statistical analysis either in the text (typically in the RESULTS section) or in Tables or Figure legends as appropriate.
DISCUSSION should be co
ncise and not excessively speculative.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. This section should list sources of support and grants, and acknowledge persons and /or institutions.
REFERENCES. The authors should cite the papers relevant to the study presented in the paper, and check the cited references in the manus
cript to guarantee the accuracy. Unpublished papers should not be listed. In the text, references must be arranged chro
nologically with the surname(s) of the author(s) followed by the date. Use a, b, etc. after the year to distinguish papers published by the same author(s) in the same year. Cited references should be listed in alphabetical order according to the authors' surnames; all authors should be listed unless there are more than five authors. In this case, o
nly the first five authors should be given, followed by et al. References should be prepared in the following format:
Duan EK, Jiang GT, Zeng GQ, 2000. Effects of antisera against laminin, fibro
nectin and type IV collagen on blastocyst implantation in mouse. Acta Zool. Sinica 46: 190-194 (In Chinese with English abstract).
Ryan MJ, Rand AS, 2003. Mate recognition in túngara frogs: a review of some studies of brain, behavior, and evolution. Acta Zool. Sinica 49: 713-726.
Xia WP, 1996. Rodent-like pests and ecological equilibrium. In: Wang ZW, Zhang ZB ed. Theory and Practice of Rodent Pest Management. Beijing: Science Press, 2-18.
TABLES. Tables should be co
ncise and self-explanatory, i.e., co
ncise yet sufficiently informative that the results can be understood without referring to the text. Do not repeat the information presented in text.
FIGURES. Figures and their legends should be co
ncise and self-explanatory, without repeating the information presented in the text or tables. The final figures should be submitted, after acceptance, according to the following roles: (1) black-and-white or color photographs should be of high quality with sharp contrast, electro
nic version (Photoshop-treated) is acceptable which should be 300dpi in resolution and in jpg-format; (2) computer-drawn figures or line drawings are also acceptable (jpg-versions with the resolution of 600 dpi); (3) all figures should be in the final size either 80mm or 170mm in width. For microscopical preparations, scale bars with appropriate units must be provided; statements of magnification are not acceptable.
PROOFS AND REPRINTS. One set of proofs will be sent to the correspo
nding author (if the correspo
nding author is specified as different than the first author) for correction. Revised proofs must be returned within three days. There are no page charges for publication in CURRENT ZOOLOGY. After publication of the article, 10 free-reprints will be sent to the correspo
nding author. PDF file of the published paper will be provided to the author(s) free of charge.
cripts and proofs should be addressed to the Editorial Office, CURRENT ZOOLOGY, Institute of Zoology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beichen Xilu, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101,
To subscribe to CURRENT ZOOLOGY, please co
ntact the Editorial Office. The annual subs
cription price, including postage, is USD $ 450.